Ava is adjusting very well to her new home with Mommy and Daddy. Her nighttime sleeping was a little off kilter for the first week, and now we're back into the swing of things. Not that anything can be swung around here...we still have some boxes to unpack....
If Ava has an upset in the night she can snuggle for a bit with Mommy and Daddy before going back to her big girl bed. She can choose which parent does bath time and bedtime stories (and Mommy can choose if she wants Daddy to do them so she can unwind...).
Sometimes Daddy surprises Ava and Mommy by showing up after Preschool to play in the park and to give a ride home. He also takes her for walks to the grocery store with a list prepared by Mommy...so Mommy can have some quiet time....
Ava will enjoy some Daddy time on Saturday morning when Mommy sleeps in and Daddy prepares her breakfast. She will enjoy some Mommy time on Sunday when Daddy sleeps a little longer. Really, between the child and the cat, no one will be getting any extra sleep - but we're going to stay in bed and attempt it anyway.
Speaking of the cat, he keeps Ava entertained and giggling throughout the day. Sometimes Mommy feels like she's living in a zoo...with the cat rolling toilet paper down the stairs...then pouncing and shredding it...and Ava putting her little stuffed puppy (on a leash) in the cat water bowl for an "Around and Around" (as she aptly named it) leaving cat water all over the kitchen floor.... (Mommy loves post shower surprises - but hey if a t.p. stair runner and an "Around and Around" allow an extra 5 minutes in the shower then so be it.)
Adjustments and relaxation are happening all over the place here....