I've been with a string of the most unromantic men, and rather than feel bad about this, I feel the urge to laugh. I want to laugh at their ridiculous indifference on the matter.
I want to be with someone who is sensitive and romantic like me, but I've always settled with men who cooled in "the moment". What a bunch of dough heads. (In my head the language is a little harsher, plus I have my sisters' voice saying a few choice words.)
Conceivably, these men are romantic - except with me. Maybe the women who they dated/married after me received words of love and ardour.... I wonder if there was a break in the connection between us which didn't allow the space for tenderness. I know that we weren't great love matches....
It really doesn't matter - I'm a completely different woman than the one who was with each of them.
I'm no longer that 25 year old girl who walked down the aisle hoping that the relationship would improve after the wedding. [If the relationship is broken before the wedding then it will crumble during the marriage.] Maybe I would have made a different decision if I had listened to the quiet thought squeaking out of the recesses of my mind. Trust me Ladies, if you feel lonely, ignored, tense, secretive, disregarded, etc, then you will experience this and more during matrimony.
If you think that divorce isn't a scary thing then remember this, a divorce costs the same as half of your wedding budget (when it's amicable, and messy ones cost extra). Unless you get divorced within the first year or two, most likely there will be children involved. Divorce rocks their world no matter what age, and you're tied to your man for life. Tied to this person who you couldn't communicate with in your relationship and now you're having to work out schedules regarding kids - who has them when, etc.; and who's paying who, what support, to raise them. Not good times....
Think about what I've said.
...and I digress....
Romance, right, the point of my post today.
Passion, adoration, love, and mutual and complete respect - I want it! I've heard of it. I've known people who've had it. I'm optimistic that I'll receive it someday soon.
I HEAR YOU! - Romance is the action of a man hunting you.....if he isn't hunting you like you're the most desired catch he's ever encountered, with a mad passion and determination - don't waste your precious time.......