For the first time in my life I know what I truly want to study. I've been to various universities and studied many topics, and in the last year I've realized what I would love to focus on.
Since Ava's birth I've been home with her - I've been her teacher, her soft place to cuddle, her cleaning lady, her personal assistant, her chef, and her protector. I feel guilt about potentially putting her in daycare so that I can pursue something that I really want to experience. At the same time I know that I can choose a safe learning environment for her to experience a little more independence. In the long run, my degree will allow us a better standard of living and no financial dependence on her father. Who knows, maybe we'll be very comfortable monetarily....
My frustration now exists in my having the funding for school and daycare, and no daycare to put her into. This city has waiting lists like I've never seen, and it may be fall of 2010 or later before we get a spot. I'm so close I can visualize myself in classes, and I may have to wait....
I have so many things I want to do within the next 10 years and I want to get moving on them. Ava will be 3 in a month, and I want to build a fabulous life for us. Now!
PS. I should have listened to another Mom when I was pregnant. She told me [as soon as I knew the sex and could write a name down] that I should put Ava onto waiting lists for daycare. I thought she was exaggerating, and at the time intended on being home until Ava entered kindergarten. I guess I should have taken her advice literally.
PPS. The registration for 4 year old preschool (Sept 2010) is in Feb and I think I'll get Ava's Daddy to do the camping out [overnight] in line. It's first come first serve....
holy crap I've heard the stories but never knew.. I have never had to experiace it good luck !