Monday, March 30, 2009

My little Ava

My little Ava will be 2 1/2 in a couple of days.
She's a light in my life, and the cause of the sleep deprivation
I've experienced since week 1 of my pregnancy.

Ava's the sweetest and most considerate person I know. She's highly intelligent and very observant. I'm not boasting - I speak the truth. (Last week she assembled two Ikea bookshelves.)

Her likes are: Reading, colouring, playing Hide and Seek,
Dora, Max and Ruby, animals, and music.

As her beautiful curls grow longer, and her bright eyes show more knowledge, I know that I'll be in for a fun ride. Some days are smooth, and other days I'm hanging on, gritting my teeth, and feeling resentment that I alone have to handle some situations. Alas, this is the reality of being a Solo Mommy, and if I were to sugarcoat it I wouldn't be doing myself any favours. I'm human, she's human, and this life is a journey... not a destination ... Steven Tyler says so....

1 comment:

  1. Steven Tyler said it right.....and Ava brings a "Sweeeeeeeeeet Eeeeemoooooooooootionnnnnn"
